Legal Documentation

Acceptable Usage Policy - Onerserv

1. Introduction

This Acceptable Usage Policy ("Policy") outlines the acceptable and unacceptable use of the services provided by Oner Hosting, a division of Onerserv (Pty) Ltd ("Provider"). By using our services, you agree to comply with this Policy. This Policy is designed to ensure the integrity, security, and reliability of our services for all users.

2. Prohibited Activities

You may not use the Provider's services to engage in, foster, or promote illegal, abusive, or irresponsible behavior, including but not limited to the following:

3. Security

You are responsible for ensuring that your use of the Provider's services does not compromise the security of the Provider's network or the networks and systems of others. Prohibited security-related activities include:

4. User Responsibilities

As a user of the Provider's services, you agree to:

5. Enforcement

The Provider reserves the right to monitor your use of the services to ensure compliance with this Policy. Violations of this Policy may result in the following actions:

The Provider may, at its sole discretion, take any other action it deems necessary to protect the security, integrity, and availability of its services.

6. Reporting Violations

If you become aware of any violation of this Policy, please report it to the Provider immediately. You can report violations via the following methods:

7. Amendments to Policy

The Provider reserves the right to modify this Policy at any time. Changes will be effective immediately upon posting on the Provider's website. Your continued use of the Provider's services after any changes to this Policy constitutes your acceptance of the new Policy.

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